INSIST Meetings
Below, you can find a short description of the meetings we had during the INSIST Project (running from the kick-off in 2018 until the final meeting in 2022).
April 7 and 8 2022, we had the final all-hands meeting of INSIST, in the Doelenzaal in the center of Amsterdam. We were very happy to have almost everybody there in person, so we could end the project the way it began. Those people that were too far away or for other reasons not able to travel joined us online.
We had a bit of a ‘false start’ as there are two locations “Doelenzaal” in Amsterdam, but luckily enough, close together, so not too much of a delay 😉
All WPs presented their final results and upcoming deliverables and it has to be concluded that although we did not manage all of the ambitious plans we set out for, a really admirable amount of work has been done and amazing results achieved and the overall conclusion was that werealy need to try and find funding to continue this work in some way.
Henk Marquering travelled especially from a venture challenge in Wageningen to discuss exactly that; valorization of INSIST. Together with Praneeta Konuri and Nerea Arrarte he received a “steam-course” in valorization, entrepeneurship and pitching and he asked all partners to dicuss and indicate their interest in participating.
Afterwards the consortium joined for their “last meal” together and the next day was spent in the AMC with ample time for discussion, but even more so, for generating video’s from collaborating WPs to be used in dissemination after INSIST. This was done very professionally in the studio at the AMC and the results can be found here.

The 7th All-hands meeting of INSIST was again held in person for a large part of the consortium, on November 16-17, 2021, in Geneva. Those people that were to far away or for other reasons not able to travel joined us online. As we are nearing the end of INSIST, it was very useful to be able to discuss face-to-face again.

We had two invited speakers with very interesting talks;
Kylian Treurniet on the NO-IV trial/IRIS en aspiration versus stent retriever in NO-IV and Paolo Machi on in vitro work with different stent retrievers
the Sixth All-hands meeting of INSIST was again held online, on May 27-28 2021. We had two invited speakers, who held excellent talks.
Marco Viceconti– the ISW project and the regulatory landscape that are emerging in Europe, and that we need to overcome.
Frank Gijsen– mechanics and imaging of intracranial thrombi
the Fifth All-hands meeting of INSIST was held in virtual Galway, 28-29 October, For the agenda, click below.
We had two invited speakers, Prof. Mayank Goyal (interventional neuroradiologist, University Calgary) and Dr. Karen Doyle (Discipline of Physiology, National University of Ireland Galway) who held excellent talks. Please click on their names to watch their presentation.
The Fourth All-hands meeting of INSIST was planned on April 2-3, 2020 in Moscow.
However, due to the worldwide coronavirus crisis, the meeting unfortunately had to be cancelled. But thanks to the excellent organization of our Russian partners, we had a first online virtual meeting, with all partners present!

The Third All-hands meeting of INSIST was held November 11th-12th 2019 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, at the Erasmus Medical Center.

After a short introduction, all partners gave presentations summarizing the progress in the past year of the project, followed by discussions, according to the program.
On the second day we also had another Focus group meeting, this time focusing on the connections with INSIST.
The seconds All-hands meeting of INSIST was held April 3rd-4th 2019 in Milano, Italy.
After a short introduction, all partners give presentations summarizing the progress in the past year of the project. But first the meeting started with the launch of the first in silico clinical trial by our project coordinator Charles Majoie.

Matthew Gounis gave an excellent lecture as Key-note speaker.
The first All-hands meeting of INSIST was September 24th-25th 2018 in Oxford, UK.
After a short introduction, all partners gave a 40-60 minutes presentation summarizing the progress in the past year of the project. A very rough model of the first in silico clinical trial model was presented as well as all separate data that would be included and needed to be taken into account. Further discussion ensued between the different partners to clarify what is needed to improve on the model.

The very successful kick-off meeting of the INSIST consortium was held February 1-2 2018 at the Academic medical centre in Amsterdam. With a nice consortium dinner in Restaurant “In de Waag”