UNIGE (University of Geneva)

Professor Bastien Chopard
PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Geneva, Switzerland in 1988. After 2 year at MIT in the Laboratory for Computer Science and 1 year at the Juelich supercomputing center. He joined the computer science Department at the University of Geneva in 1991, where he was appointed professor in 2001. His main research interest is the modelling and simulation of complex systems, high Performance Computing, metaheuristics for optimization, biomedical applications, and multiscale methods and algorithms. An important research direction is the development and the application of the cellular automata approach and the lattice Boltzmann method.
Keywords: Modelling and simulation of complex systems, high performance computing, lattice Boltzmann methods.
Remy Petkantchin
Remy graduated from an Associate degree in Computer Science at the university of Aix-Marseille in 2013, and from a BSc and MSc in Physics from the Lausanne Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in 2018. He did his master thesis in computational vascular network generation in the framework of physics of cancer, at the University of Trieste (Italy) with Pr. Edoardo Milotti.
Keywords: Lattice Boltzmann – Modeling – Simulation

Franck Raynaud, PhD
After receiving his PhD in theoretical physics of complex systems from Paris Diderot University in 2009 he worked two years in the Department of Finance at University Paris Dauphine to investigate systemic risk in derivative markets using network analysis and information theory. Franck moved in 2011 to Switzerland where he worked on the modeling of cell polarity and motility at Lausanne Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and systems biology of cancer at Lausanne University. He joined the group of Pr. Bastien Chopard at the University of Geneva and the INSIST project in 2018 to develop three-dimensional models of thrombosis and thrombolysis.
Keywords: Modeling, Complex systems, Pattern formation