UOXF (University of Oxford)

Dr. Stephen Payne

Currently he is a Professor + Yushan Scholar, Cerebral Haemodynamics Group /Institute of Applied Mechanics and Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. His work lies primarily in mathematical modelling and signal processing related to cerebral blood flow and metabolism with the main focus on cerebral autoregulation.  Long_Bio

Keywords cerebral blood flow – haemodynamics – cerebral autoregulation

Dr. Wahbi K. El-Bouri

A postdoctoral research assistant in the Cerebral Hemodynamics Group at the University of Oxford. Next to developing in-silico clinical trials of stroke treatment, he is working on methods to measure intracranial pressure non-invasively, and working on understanding the microvascular role in dementia and cognitive decline. Long_Bio

Tamás István Józsa

Postdoctoral research assistant at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Engineering Science. His work aims to develop a numerical model of cerebral blood flow through the microvasculature. The purpose of the model is to compute the perfusion of brain tissue, identify ischemic regions, and predict tissue death and survival (WP5). Long_Bio

Keywords: cerebral blood flow – haemodynamics – mathematical modelling